We can deliver to any BFPO address (both EU and Non EU addresses) and refund the VAT if applicable.
At the "Basket" stage please select either 'BFPO-EU' or 'BFPO-Outside EU' from the drop-down list of countries.
In the “Delivery Details”, please enter your BFPO address using the new BFPO Postcode (for example BFPO 61 is now BF1 2AY). You will need to enter the address yourself as our automated Address Finder does not list BFPO locations.
If you do not know your new BFPO Postcode, please CLICK HERE to find out.
The following is an example BFPO address:
12345678 LCPL B Jones
B Company
1 Loamshire Regt
(You do NOT need to enter the name of the Town but you will need to enter one line of the address in this box as it is a mandatory field)
Please ensure that the Delivery Country is set to either BFPO-EU or BFPO-Outside EU.
Note – You must use the NEW BFPO postcode. CLICK HERE to find out the correct Postcode!
If you would like to order by telephone instead – please phone our Customer Services line on +44 (0)7786 736 718 during working hours.(Please do not phone our orderline as they are a call centre and not quite so clued up about BFPO addresses!).
VAT will automatically be removed from orders going to BFPO- Outside EU addresses.
We can issue a VAT refund for an order despatched to a BFPO address within the EU but UK VAT legislation requires us to obtain a 'certificate of entitlement' confirming that the items have been been despatched to, and received by, a qualifying body or person as set out in paragraph 14.4 of HM Revenue & Customs Notice 725 dated January 2014. We will accept a copy of the order receipt which was despatched with the item(s), signed and stamped by the head or acting head of the embassy, high commission, consulate, visiting force contingent or international organisation, with evidence of the official status of the signatory.
Thank you very much for ordering with us – we are very keen to support our Forces serving overseas.
Email us on bfpo@thepresentfinder.co.uk or call Customer Services on +44 (0)7786 736 718
The Present Finder is the ultimate gift destination, for all occasions. We have put together a plethora of gift ideas for Christmas presents, birthdays, anniversaries, leaving presents, weddings and any event you can imagine! Our collection of unusual gifts for dads, mums, kids, friends and families come from many different suppliers, designers and independent creative enterprises.
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